the membrane materials requirements.
Include bracketed requirements only as applicable to
the system being specified (e.g., torch applied
systems may not require asphalt in the installation;
granule surfaced cap sheets do not require gravel or
coating surfacing).
Furnish a combination of specified materials that comprise the membrane
manufacturer's standard system of the number and type of plies specified.
Materials provided shall be approved by the roof membrane manufacturer and
suitable for the service and climatic conditions of the installation.
NOTE: Select the base sheet option required and
delete other base sheet options. Base sheets under
insulation should be specified in the insulation
specification section.
Perforated venting base sheet option should only be
specified for application directly on concrete deck.
Base sheets with perforations are rolled into place
and then top mopped with hot asphalt. Base sheets
without perforations are mechanically attached to
nailable substrates.
a. [Venting Base Sheet: ASTM D 4897, Type II, [without][with]
perforations and as approved by the roof membrane manufacturer.]
b. [Fiberglass Felt Base Sheet: ASTM D 4601, Type II, [without][with]
perforations and as approved by the roof membrane manufacturer.]
c. Ply Felt:
ASTM D 2178, Type [IV] [or] [VI].
ASTM D 6163. Membrane manufacturer's standard, minimum two-ply modified
bitumen membrane flashing system compatible with the built-up roof membrane
and as recommended in membrane manufacturer's published literature. Base
ply of flashing membrane shall be minimum 1.8 mm (70 mils) thick. Granule
surface modified bitumen flashing cap sheet shall be minimum 3 mm (120
mils) thick on the selvage edge.
NOTE: Specify asphalt type based on roof slope.
Adhere to the following general requirements:
Roof Slope, in./ft.
Type Asphalt
Less than 1/2
Type II, Type III in hot
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