Metal roofing drawings and specifications and erection drawings;
shop coating and finishing specifications; and other data as
necessary to clearly describe design, materials, sizes, layouts,
standing seam configuration, construction details, provisions for
thermal movement, line of panel fixity, fastener sizes and
spacings, sealants and erection procedures. Drawings shall
reflect the intent of the architectural detailing using the
manufacturer's proprietary products and fabricated items as
required. The SSSMR system shop drawings shall be provided by the
metal roofing manufacturer.
SD-03 Product Data
Design Analysis[; G][; G, [_____]]
include a list of the design loads, and complete calculations for
the support system (when provided by the Contractor), roofing
system and its components; valley designs, gutter/downspout
calculations, screw pullout test results, and shall indicate how
expected thermal movements are accommodated.
Qualifications of the manufacturer and installer.
SD-04 Samples
One sample of each type of flashing, trim, closure, thermal
spacer block, cap and similar items. Size shall be sufficient to
show construction and configuration.
Roof Panels
One piece of each type to be used, 225 mm 9 inches long, full
Factory Color Finish
Three 75 by 125 mm 3 by 5 inches samples of each type and color.
Two samples of each type to be used, with statement regarding
intended use. If so requested, random samples of bolts, nuts, and
washers as delivered to the job site shall be taken in the
presence of the Contracting Officer and provided to the
Contracting Officer for testing to establish compliance with
specified requirements.
One piece, 300 by 300 mm 12 by 12 inches, of each type and
thickness to be used, with a label indicating the rated permeance
(if faced) and R-values. The flame spread, and smoke developed
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