NOTE: Include this paragraph when manufacturer
inspection is specified.
Copy of manufacturer's field inspection reports, submitted
within 48 hours of each site visit.]
SD-11 Closeout Submittals
Information card
Qualification of Manufacturer
NOTE: Specify 5 years manufacturer experience
unless directed otherwise by the Government.
Metal roof panel manufacturer shall have been in the business of
manufacturing metal roof panels for a period of not less than 5 [_____]
Manufacturer's Technical Representative
NOTE: Include this paragraph where manufacturer
inspection is required.
The manufacturer's technical representative shall be thoroughly familiar
with the products to be installed, installation requirements and practices,
and with any special considerations in the geographical area where
construction will take place. The representative shall be available to
perform field inspections and attend meetings as specified.
Qualification of Applicator
NOTE: Specify 3 years as an approved contractor
unless directed otherwise by the Government
Metal roof system applicator shall be approved, authorized, or licensed in
writing by the roof panel manufacturer and shall have a minimum of
[three][_____] years experience as an approved, authorized, or licensed
applicator with that manufacturer and be approved at a level capable of
providing the specified warranty. The applicator shall supply the names,
locations and client contact information of 5 projects of similar size and
scope that the applicator has constructed using the manufacturer's roofing
products submitted for this project within the previous three years.
Preroofing Conference
After approval of submittals and before performing roofing system
installation work, hold a preroofing conference to review the following:
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