moisture absorption. Store in an enclosed building or trailer that
provides a dry, adequately ventilated environment. [Store felt rolls on
ends. For the 24 hours immediately before application of felts, store
felts in an area maintained at a temperature no lower than 10 degrees C 50
degrees F above grade and having ventilation around all sides.] Replace
damaged material with new material.
Do not install roof insulation during inclement weather or when air
temperature is below 4 degrees C 40 degrees F and interior humidity is 45
percent or greater, or when there is visible ice, frost, or moisture on the
roof deck.
NOTE: Where built-up roofing is applied over
insulation, delete paragraphs entitled "Flame Heated
Equipment" through "Drippage of Bitumen" and specify
requirement enclosed in brackets in paragraph
entitled "Protection of Property." Insert in blank
provided the number and title of section covering
roofing where protection requirements are specified.
Delete paragraphs entitled "Flame-Heated
Equipment," "Protective Coverings," "Special
Protection," and "Drippage of Bitumen" when roofing
system or insulation does not require hot asphalt or
torches for application.
[Provide protection as specified in [_____].]
Flame-Heated Equipment
Locate and use flame-heated equipment so as not to endanger the structure
or other materials on the site or adjacent property. Do not place
flame-heated equipment on the roof. Provide and maintain a fire
extinguisher near each item of flame-heated equipment.
Protective Coverings
Install protective coverings at paving and building walls adjacent to hoist
and kettles prior to starting the work. Lap protective coverings at least
150 mm 6 inches, secure them against wind, and vent them to prevent
collection of moisture on the covered surfaces. Keep protective coverings
in place for the duration of the work with asphalt products.
Special Protection
Provide special protection approved by the insulation manufacturer, or
avoid heavy traffic on completed work when ambient temperature is above 27
degrees C 80 degrees F.
Drippage of Bitumen
Seal joints in and at edges of deck as necessary to prevent drippage of
asphalt into building or down exterior walls.
Page 9