If welding procedure fails to meet the requirements of AWS D1.1/D1.1M, the
procedure specification shall be revised and requalified, or at the
Contractor's option, welding procedure may be retested in accordance with
AWS D1.1/D1.1M. If the welding procedure is qualified through retesting,
all test results, including those of test welds that failed to meet the
requirements, shall be submitted with the welding procedure.
NOTE: Additional requirements may be inserted if
necessary. The methods of nondestructive testing
required will be determined and specified.
Each welder, welding operator, and tacker assigned to work on this contract
shall be qualified in accordance with the applicable requirements of AWS
D1.1/D1.1M and as specified in this section. Welders, welding operators,
and tackers who make acceptable procedure qualification test welds will be
considered qualified for the welding procedure used.
Previous Personnel Qualifications
At the discretion of the Contracting Officer, welders, welding operators,
and tackers qualified by test within the previous 6 months may be accepted
for this contract without requalification if all the following conditions
are met:
a. Copies of the welding procedure specifications, the procedure
qualification test records, and the welder, welding operator, and
tacker qualification test records are submitted and approved in
b. Testing was performed by an approved testing laboratory, technical
c. The previously qualified welding procedure conforms to the
requirements of this specification and is applicable to welding
conditions encountered under this contract.
d. The welder, welding operator, and tacker qualification tests
conform to the requirements of this specification and are applicable to
welding conditions encountered under this contract.
Before assigning any welder, welding operator, or tacker to work under this
contract, the Contractor shall submit the names of the welders, welding
operators, and tackers to be employed, and certification that each
individual is qualified as specified. The certification shall state the
type of welding and positions for which the welder, welding operator, or
tacker is qualified, the code and procedure under which the individual is
qualified, the date qualified, and the name of the firm and person
certifying the qualification tests. The certification shall be kept on
file, and 3 copies shall be furnished. The certification shall be kept
current for the duration of the contract.
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