Drawings or the text of the contract specifications
must specify the weld requirements: tensile
strength, elongation, shear strength, size, length,
type, and location.
The design of welded connections shall conform to AISC 335 unless otherwise
indicated or specified. Material with welds will not be accepted unless
the welding is specified or indicated on the drawings or otherwise
approved. Welding shall be as specified in this section, except where
additional requirements are shown on the drawings or are specified in other
sections. Welding shall not be started until welding procedures,
inspectors, nondestructive testing personnel, welders, welding operators,
and tackers have been qualified and the submittals approved by the
Contracting Officer. Qualification testing shall be performed at or near
the work site. Each Contractor performing welding shall maintain records
of the test results obtained in welding procedure, welder, welding
operator, and tacker performance qualifications.
Pre-erection Conference
NOTE: ASTM A 992 steel must be used for all
buildings which have groove welds in their lateral
force resisting systems, and are either in Seismic
Design Categories D, E and F or in Category C and
are Seismic Use Group III; this and the following
paragraph will be retained for this type of
Government personnel attending the pre-erection
conference should include all field QA inspectors,
the building designer, the EOR (if different from
the designer) and the PM.
A pre-erection conference shall be held, prior to the start of the field
welding, to bring all affected parties together and to gain a naturally
clear understanding of the project and the Welding Procedure Specifications
(WPS) (which the Contractor shall develop and submit for all welding,
including welding done using prequalified procedures). Attendees shall
include all Contractor's welding production and inspection personnel and
appropriate Government personnel. Items for discussion could include:
responsibilities of various parties; welding procedures and processes to be
followed; welding sequence (both within a joint and joint sequence within
the building); inspection requirements and procedures, both visual and
ultrasonic; welding schedule; fabrication of mock-up model; and other items
deemed necessary by the attendees.
Mock-up Model
NOTE: Building designer will designate, on the
drawings, a joint to be used as a mock-up model.
This model should be a critical, but typical, field
welded groove joint connection located at or near
where a properly sequenced erection pattern starts.
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