field. Inspection and tests in the mill or shop will not relieve the
Contractor of the responsibility to furnish weldments of satisfactory
quality. When materials or workmanship do not conform to the specification
requirements, the Government reserves the right to reject material or
workmanship or both at any time before final acceptance of the structure
containing the weldment.
When metallographic specimens are removed from any part of a structure, the
Contractor shall make repairs. The Contractor shall employ qualified
welders or welding operators, and shall use the proper joints and welding
procedures, including peening or heat treatment if required, to develop the
full strength of the members and joints cut and to relieve residual stress.
In addition to the inspection and tests performed by the Contractor for
quality control, the Government will perform inspection and testing for
acceptance to the extent determined by the Contracting Officer. The costs
of such inspection and testing will be borne by the Contractor if
unsatisfactory welds are discovered, or by the Government if the welds are
satisfactory. The work may be performed by the Government's own forces or
under a separate contract for inspection and testing. The Government
reserves the right to perform supplemental nondestructive and destructive
tests to determine compliance with paragraph STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE.
When inspection or testing indicates defects in the weld joints, the welds
shall be repaired using a qualified welder or welding operator as
applicable. Corrections shall be in accordance with the requirements of
AWS D1.1/D1.1M and the specifications. Defects shall be repaired in
accordance with the approved procedures. Defects discovered between passes
shall be repaired before additional weld material is deposited. Wherever a
defect is removed and repair by welding is not required, the affected area
shall be blended into the surrounding surface to eliminate sharp notches,
crevices, or corners. After a defect is thought to have been removed, and
before rewelding, the area shall be examined by suitable methods to ensure
that the defect has been eliminated. Repair welds shall meet the
inspection requirements for the original welds. Any indication of a defect
shall be regarded as a defect, unless reevaluation by nondestructive
methods or by surface conditioning shows that no unacceptable defect is
-- End of Section --
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