Preblasting and Postblasting Inspections
Perform a preblast and postblast inspection of all structures within [180]
[ ] meters ([600] [ ] feet)[600] [ ] feet of the blasting operations.
The inspection shall include preblast and postblast notes, diagrams, and/or
tape recorded descriptions of defects in interior walls, ceilings, floors
and foundations; photographs and/or videotape recordings of all prominent
interior and exterior cracks; notes on walkways, retaining walls,
accessible roofs, chimneys, and similar features. Complete the preblast
inspection prior to the beginning of any blasting. Complete the postblast
inspection immediately upon cessation of all blasting. Notify the
Contracting Officer in writing a minimum of [7] [ ] days in advance of the
Vibration Monitoring
Perform vibration monitoring by placing recording devices on adjacent
structures as indicated on the drawings. Modifications to the monitoring
procedure may be directed by the Contracting Officer. In order to control
blasting vibrations within specified limits, provide the services of an
approved commercial vibration-testing laboratory. Furnish seismographic
monitoring records and written interpretations of such to the Contracting
Officer within 48 hours, except that in the event that any record or
records indicate the potential for damage or imminent danger, make an
immediate verbal report and remedial recommendation. The vibration
monitoring record shall include the following minimum data:
Date and time of blast.
Location of seismological instruments, manufacture and Model No.
Velocity measured in mminches per second in vertical, longitudinal
transverse directions.
Displacement measured in mminches.
Energy ratio computation.
Peak particle velocity.
NOTE: For core drilled holes, use epoxy grout only.
Drilling and Grouting Dowels and Anchors
Drill holes for dowels and anchors using drilling equipment suitable for
the intended purpose, as approved by the Contracting Officer. Diameter of
holes shall be [as shown on the drawings] [as recommended by the adhesive
manufacturer]. Clean holes by flushing with water and compressed air prior
to placing grout. Anchor [dowels] [anchors] with [epoxy grout], [polyester
resin grout], [polyester resin grout cartridges] [or] [cement-based grout].
Place grout and install [dowels] [and] [anchors] as recommended by the
grout manufacturer. Remove excess grout after the [dowel] [or] [anchor]
has been set in place. [When installing resin cartridges or capsules in
submerged conditions, place properly proportioned resin material in bottom
of hole using a mixing tube prior to inserting the cartridge or capsule.]
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