abrasive-water-jet cutting to be cost effective when
compared to diamond blade cutting. This method
should only be used when unique project conditions
require its use.
Perform abrasive-water-jet cutting by injecting abrasive material into a
high pressure stream of water. The water pressure shall be 200 to 340 MPA
(30,000 psi to 50,000 psi)30,000 psi to 50,000 psi. Adjust the water
pressure and amount of abrasive added as required to provide optimum
cutting action.
Diamond-Blade Cutting
Use diamond-blade cutting for cutting through relatively thin sections and
defining limits of removal to be performed by other methods. Perform
diamond blade cutting using equipment of the correct type and power and
with appropriate blade composition for the material being cut. Use a track
system for maintaining the alignment of the saw for vertical cuts or where
multiple cuts are required for deep cuts. Provide supports as required to
support the concrete to be removed. [Core drill corners of removal area or
use corner saw to avoid overcutting.]
Diamond-Wire Cutting
Perform diamond wire cutting using equipment of the correct type and power
using continuous loop cable with appropriate diamond beads for the material
being cut. Core drill holes at corners of removal section to the accuracy
required for the wire cutting. Provide supports as required to support the
concrete to be removed.
Stitch Drilling
NOTE: Rotary-percussion drilling is more efficient
for unreinforced concrete. Core drilling may be
required for reinforced concrete or where the
vibration of rotary-percussion drilling may cause
damage to adjacent structures or equipment.
Drill overlapping holes of appropriate size along the removal line. Unless
otherwise indicated, drill holes using rotary-percussion or core drilling
equipment. Utilize guides as required to maintain alignment. Provide
supports as required to support the concrete to be removed.
Removal of concrete may be accomplished by use of impact-type power tools.
Take adequate precautions to prevent impact equipment from vibrating on
reinforcing steel. All demolition equipment shall be subject to approval
of the Contracting Officer.
Vehicle-Mounted Breaker
NOTE: Vehicle-mounted breakers may result in
microfracture damage of the concrete which remains.
Additional concrete removal by other methods such as
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