except for relatively thin repairs in which case the variation shall not
exceed 25 percent of the repair thickness. Any removal beyond the limits
shown on the drawings shall be approved by the Contracting Officer prior to
performing the additional removal. All equipment and removal methods shall
comply with applicable sections of EM 385-1-1.
Determination of Removal Limits
Approximate locations and areas of repairs are indicated on the drawings.
Determine actual locations and limits of deteriorated concrete by visual
inspection and by tapping with a hammer or steel rod and listening for dull
or hollow sounds. On horizontal surfaces, a chain drag may be used in lieu
of the hammer or rod. Perform sounding in the presence of the Contracting
Officer or authorized representative. Mark areas where sounding does not
produce a solid tone with highly visible paint. After the investigation
process is completed, the Contracting Officer will inspect the areas marked
by the Contractor to confirm and/or adjust the limits of removal. Do not
remove concrete from these areas until the Contracting Officer or
authorized representative approves the areas. Upon completion of removal,
sound the surface and remove additional concrete until testing produces a
solid tone. Additional removal of concrete within these areas will be
measured for payment as specified.
Perimeter Saw Cut
NOTE: In general, the minimum depth of saw cut
should be the nominal maximum size coarse aggregate.
Make a perpendicular saw cut at least [25] [50] [ ] mm ([1] [2] [ ] inches)
[1] [2][ ] inches deep, but no deeper than the reinforcing steel, a
minimum of [25] [ ] mm ([1][ ] inch)[1][ ] inch outside of the area to
be repaired to delineate the perimeter of the repair area and avoid feather
edges. The perimeter saw cut shall have no angles less than 90 degrees.
Exercised care not to cut through existing steel reinforcement or embedded
metal that is not to be removed. Omit saw-cutting where prohibited by
existing metal or other items which are not to be removed. Perform sawing
in accordance with CSDA-W-104, except as specified herein. Edges of
repaired areas which are not mechanically anchored shall be dove-tailed.
Where concrete is being removed from a vertical face by controlled
blasting, mechanical presplitting, or expansive agents, sawcut the bottom
limit of the removal area to the full depth of the removal.
Preliminary Surface Cleaning
NOTE: Where the depth of removal exceeds the
not normally necessary. Where depth of removal is
shallow or where the removal methods may result in
spreading of contamination or contamination of
remove prior to removal of the concrete.
Clean concrete surfaces that are contaminated with oil, grease or dirt
prior to beginning concrete removal in the area. Use detergents,
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