consolidate the concrete. Level each layer and screed the final surface to
match the adjoining surfaces. Remove excess epoxy concrete on adjacent
surfaces before the concrete hardens. Do not feather epoxy concrete out
onto adjacent surfaces.
Polymer-Modified Mortar or Concrete
Horizontal Surfaces
Prime surfaces prepared to receive repair material using the manufacturer's
recommended bonding agent using a stiff bristle brush and in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions. Place polymer-modified concrete
before the bonding agent dries and in layers not exceeding 25 mm (one inch)
one inch thick for mortar and 50 mm (two inches)two inches thick for
concrete. Moist cure polymer-modified material for a minimum of 24 hours
but not more than 48 hours, and then air dry.
Vertical Surfaces
For vertical surfaces that are troweled follow the procedure for horizontal
surfaces. For formed vertical surfaces follow the procedure for
cement-based concrete for vertical surfaces. Moist cure polymer-modified
material for a minimum of 24 hours but not more than 48 hours, and then air
Dry-Pack Mortar
Prime surfaces prepared to receive repair material with a cement-based
grout, an epoxy resin meeting the requirements of paragraph EPOXY RESIN, or
a latex bonding agent meeting the requirements of paragraph LATEX BONDING
COMPOUND. For cement-based grout, dampen the area with water prior to
applying the grout. Place the mortar immediately after applying the
bonding agent. Place mortar in approximately 10 mm (3/8-inch)3/8-inch
lifts, compact each lift thoroughly with a blunt stick or hammer, and
scratch the surface to promote bonding with subsequent lifts. Place
consecutive layers continuously. Finish the top layer flush with the
surrounding concrete and cure with saturated burlap or curing compound.
Cement-Based Mortar or Concrete
NOTE: When formwork prevents application of bonding
agents in a timely manner, new concrete should be
applied directly to the existing concrete. Bonding
agent should not be used when the concrete placement
exceeds 3 inches in thickness.
Placement through a chimney at the top of the form
is the preferred method of placement. Internal
vibration should be used unless conditions prevent
proper operation, in which case external vibration
may be used.
Delete the options for form and pump placement and
external vibration unless placement through a
chimney is not possible and/or external vibration is
If the referenced specifications are not included in
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