Construct field test panels prior to beginning of work using the repair
materials and procedures proposed for use on the job, to demonstrate the
results to be attained. The panel shall contain reinforcing steel and
embedded items as the production work. The quality and appearance of each
panel shall be subject to the approval of the Contracting Officer, and, if
not judged satisfactory, additional panels shall be constructed until
approval is attained. Formed and finished surfaces in the completed
structure shall match the quality and appearance of the approved sample
repair panel. For wall refacing, construct a minimum of one sample panel
at least 1.25 m (4 feet)4 feet by 1.5 m (5 feet)5 feetand the same
thickness as the production panel to demonstrate each type of formed and
unformed finish required. Each panel shall include a full length and full
width joint line.
Packing, Shipping, Handling, and Unloading
Inspect materials delivered to site for damage, unload and store with a
minimum of handling. Deliver resin components and aggregate materials in
original sealed containers where applicable.
Epoxy-Resin Materials
Deliver epoxy-resin materials to the site in such manner as to avoid damage
or loss. Do not allow epoxy-resin materials to freeze. Storage areas
shall be in a windowless and weatherproof, but ventilated, insulated
noncombustible building, with provision nearby for conditioning the
material to 20 degrees C (70 degrees F)70 degrees F to 30 degrees C (85
degrees F)85 degrees F for a period of 48 hours prior to use. Store epoxy
resin components and aggregate materials in dry covered areas at
temperatures below 30 degrees C (90 degrees F) 90 degrees F. Remove unused
mixed materials that have reached end of working or pot life from the job
site. Use epoxy-resin materials before the expiration date marked on the
Polymer Materials
Storage areas shall be in a windowless and weatherproof, but ventilated,
insulated noncombustible building. Store polymer materials at temperatures
between 4.4 degrees C (40 degrees F)40 degrees F to 30 degrees C (85
degrees F)85 degrees F. Do not allow polymer materials to freeze.
Chemical Admixtures
Protect chemical admixtures and store and maintain between 5 degrees C (40
degrees F)40 degrees F to 30 degrees C (90 degrees F)90 degrees F. Remove
from the site any admixtures subjected to temperatures outside this range,
or stored for longer than recommended by the manufacturer. Do not use any
admixture that has been in storage for longer than recommended by the
manufacturer or that has been subjected to freezing in the work. Remove
such materials from the site.
Waste Management and Disposal
Prepare a water control plan to describe methods and equipment to be used
for controlling, collecting and disposing of wastewater from the
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