performed by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Contracting Officer
and at no additional cost to the Government.
Repair Materials and Products
Place repair materials to the lines indicated on the drawings.
Construction tolerances for concrete and mortar repair materials shall meet
the requirements of ACI 117. Construction tolerances for erection of
precast concrete units shall meet the requirements of PCI MNL-116.
Measurement of Vertical Concrete Removal
Determine the volume of vertical concrete removal from cross sections made
prior to and after removal. Make cross sections from surveyed measurements
[on a 1.5 meter by 1.5 meter (5 foot by 5 foot)5 foot by 5 foot grid
system][at a minimum of 20 points], unless otherwise specified by the
Contracting Officer. Take initial survey of the existing surface prior to
removal, and take final surveys on the same control stations. Calculate
volumes by the average-end-area method using the cross sections surveyed,
unless otherwise specified. For areas of vertical concrete removal which
are not readily accessible for survey, determine the volume of concrete
from the neat lines of concrete removal as shown on the contract drawings,
with the approval of the Contracting Officer,. Do not include any volume
of concrete removal made beyond the allowable tolerances specified in
Measurement of Horizontal Concrete Removal
Determine volumes of horizontal concrete removal from cross sections made
prior to and after removal. Make cross sections from surveyed measurements
[on a 3 meter by 3 meter (10 foot by 10 foot)10 foot by 10 foot grid
system][at a minimum of 20 points], unless otherwise specified by the
Contracting Officer. Take initial survey of the existing surface prior to
removal, and take final cross sections at the same control stations.
Calculate volumes by the average-end-area method using the cross sections
surveyed, unless otherwise specified. Do not include any volume of
concrete removal made beyond the allowable tolerances specified in
Measurements of Concrete
For areas that are readily accessible by a survey crew, determine volumes
by cross sections of the areas prior to and after concrete placement. Take
the initial and final cross sections at the same control stations used for
concrete removal where possible. Calculate volumes by the average-end-area
method using the cross sections surveyed, unless otherwise specified. For
areas of concrete placement which are not readily accessible for survey,
determine the volume of concrete from the neat lines of concrete placement
as shown on the contract drawings. Do not include any volume of concrete
placed to compensate for removal made beyond the allowable tolerances
specified in paragraph CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES.
Formwork shall conform to the requirements of Section 03101A FORMWORK FOR
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