construction operations. Unless otherwise specified, do not permit
concrete and other debris to drop into the [water] [ ]. Collect concrete
and/or debris and retain near to its point of removal. Describe the method
of debris control and removal in the demolition plan. The method of debris
control and removal must be approved by the Contracting Officer. Dispose
of debris in accordance with Section 01572 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION
WASTE MANAGEMENT. Remove all concrete which falls into the [water] [ ] at
no additional cost to the Government. [Do not permit waste water from
surface preparation, cleaning, drilling and cutting operations to directly
enter the [water] [ ]. Collect wastewater and treat in accordance with
Environmental Requirements
NOTE: The maximum placement temperature is a
function of the humidity in accordance with EM
1110-2-2000 (Table 8-2) for thin repairs or the mass
of the placement for larger repairs. Limitations if
ready-mix concrete is specified must also be
Do not place repair materials when weather conditions detrimentally affect
the quality of the finished product. Do not place cement-based repair
materials when the air temperature is below 5 degrees C (40 degrees F)40
degrees F in the shade. When air temperature is likely to exceed 35
degrees C (90 degrees F), 90 degrees F, the cement-based repair material
shall have a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees C (90 degrees F)90
degrees F when deposited, and the surface of such placed cement-based
repair material shall be kept damp with a water fog until the approved
curing medium is applied. Do not place polymer-modified repair materials
when the air temperature is below 7 degrees C (45 degrees F)45 degrees F or
above 30 degrees C (85 degrees F)85 degrees F unless approved by the
polymer manufacturer. Do not place sealant in joints or cracks when the
temperature is below 10 degrees C (50 degrees F)50 degrees F. Placement
restrictions for other materials shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer's published literature. Halt work when weather conditions are
potentially detrimental to the quality of repairing or bonding concrete.
Apply epoxy resin materials only when the contact surfaces are completely
dry and if the ambient and surface temperature ranges are suitable for the
specified epoxy material. Follow manufacturer's instructions for weather
conditions and temperature ranges.
Existing Conditions
Concrete Test Data
NOTE: Test information and evaluation reports should
be included with the contract package if applicable.
When a substantial amount of information is
available, a summary of pertinent information should
be included and the remaining information should be
made available for review.
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