Furnish ASTM C 39 test results to verify the
anticipated rate of strength development for the
proposed concrete mix design. Submit an increased
curing period and minimum time to strip formwork
based upon the reduced rate of strength development."
NOTE: Environmentally-responsible Materials
Recovered materials, including recycled concrete and
gound glass, can be used as aggregate in new
concrete, depending on local availability and
suitablity with the concrete mix design.
ASTM C 33, except as modified herein. Furnish aggregates for exposed
concrete surfaces from one source. Aggregates shall not contain any
substance which may be deleteriously reactive with the alkalies in the
cement. [Aggregates shall show expansions less than 0.10 percent at 6
months when tested in accordance with ASTM C 227 using a cement with an
alkali content above 0.8 percent (expressed as sodium oxide), and shall not
possess properties or constituents that are known to have specific
unfavorable effects in concrete when tested in accordance with ASTM C 295.]
Aggregrates/Combined Aggregrate Gradation (Floor Slabs Only)
NOTE: Where floor slab flatness and curling and
shrinkage will be a problem, use the following
aggregate gradation for the floor slab mix. Ensure
"Combined aggregate gradation" is specified under
the Contractor Mix Design paragraph, under the
"Maximum Nominal Aggregate" column.
ASTM C 33, uniformly graded and as follows: Nominal maximum aggregrate
size of 25 mm (1 inch) 1 inch. A combined sieve analysis shall indicate a
well graded aggregrate from coarsest to finest with not more than 18
percent and not less than 8 percent retained on an individual sieve, except
that less than 8 percent may be retained on coarsest sieve and on No. 50
(0.3mm) sieve, and less than 8 percent may be retained on sieves finer than
No. 50 (0.3mm). Sand shall be at least 50 percent natural sand.
Aggregates for Lightweight Concrete
ASTM C 330.
Recycled Aggregate Materials
Recycled aggregate to include: [recovered glass] [recovered concrete] [
] that meets the aggregate requirements specified. Submit recycled
material request with the aggregate certification submittals and do not use
until approved by the Contracting Officer.
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