Nonshrink Grout
ASTM C 1107.
NOTE: Do not allow calcium chloride in concrete
exposed to saltwater, severe sulfate solutions, or
ASTM C 494/C 494M: Type A, water reducing; Type B, retarding; Type C,
accelerating; Type D, water-reducing and retarding; and Type E,
water-reducing and accelerating admixture. Do not use calcium chloride
NOTE: Use for concrete exposed to freeze-thaw
ASTM C 260.
High Range Water Reducer (HRWR) (Superplasticizers)
ASTM C 494/C 494M, Type F [and Type G (HRWR retarding admixture)] and ASTM
C 1017/C 1017M. [Silica fume and HRWR shall come from the same
Vapor Retarder[Vapor Barrier]
NOTE: Edit title to correct choice. Select first
bracketed option where vapor retarder is required to
contain mixing water in freshly placed concrete and
a permanent vapor barrier is not required. Select
second bracketed option where permanent vapor
barrier is required. For protection against
hydrostatic pressure or conditions of excessive
dampness, specify an appropriate waterproofing
membrane in Division 7.
[ ASTM D 4397 polyethylene sheeting, minimum [0.15] [0.25] mm ([6][10] mil)
[6] [10] mil thickness.]
[ Waterproof Paper. Kraft paper, glass reinforcing fibers and layers of
polyethylene laminated under heat and pressure to form a single layer
meeting the requirements of FS UU-B-790, Type I, Grade A, Style 4; or
waterproof paper, regular, conforming to ASTM C 171, consisting of two
sheets of kraft paper cemented together with bituminous material in which
are embedded cords or strands of fiber running in both directions not more
than 30 mm (1 1/4 inch) 1 1/4 inch apart.
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