Designer must make a decision as to what risks are
to be taken and what admixtures are to be used. The
Notes should give some guidance so that a cost
effective decision can be made.
NOTE: For LANTNAVFACENGCOM: Typically allow Type
II, IP(MS), or IS(MS). May use Type I if Type II
not locally available and no sulfate problems
expected (i.e. not near seawater or sulfate soils.)
Type III is for high early strength. Type V is for
ASTM C 150, Type [I or II] [_____] or ASTM C 59/C 59M5, Type [IP(MS) or
IS(MS)] [IP(MH)] [IS(MH)] [_____] blended cement except as modified herein.
The blended cement shall consist of a mixture of ASTM C 150, Type II,
cement and one of the following materials: ASTM C 618 pozzolan or fly ash,
ASTM C 989 ground iron blast-furnace slag. The pozzolan or fly ash content
shall not exceed 25 percent by weight of the total cementitious material.
The ground iron blast-furnace slag shall not exceed 50 percent by weight of
total cementitious material. For exposed concrete, use one manufacturer
for each type of cement, ground slag, fly ash, and pozzolan.
Fly Ash and Pozzolan
NOTE: Fly ash, pozzolan, and slag cement may
produce uneven discoloration of the concrete during
the early stages of construction, depending upon the
type of curing provided. Fly ash or pozzolan
meeting the specified test results, which are more
stringent than ASTM C 618, should provide acceptable
end results. Type C fly ash can be used as a
replacement for up to 40 percent of the cement.
Types F and C fly ash increase durability of
concrete. Type F fly ash and slag are replacements
for some sand and aggregates also adding to
ASTM C 618, Type N, F, or C, except that the maximum allowable loss on
ignition shall be 6 percent for Types N and F. Add with cement.
Ground Iron Blast-Furnace Slag
ASTM C 989, Grade 120.
Silica Fume
NOTE: Use silica fume concrete for marine
structures where low permeability and enhanced
durability are necessary. The silica fume and high
range water reducer additive should be from the same
manufacturer. Select weight percentage based-on
performance required.
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