service, and 0.30 for other reinforced concrete.
Maximum slump shown above may be increased 25 mm (1 inch) 1 inch for
methods of consolidation other than vibration. Slump may be increased to
200 mm (8 inches) 8 inches when superplasticizers are used. [Provide air
entrainment using air-entraining admixture. Air entrainment shall be
within plus or minus 1.5 percent of the value specified.] [The water
42 days shall not exceed [0.15] [1.00] [0.30]].[
Note (a): Entrapped air shall be 3% or less.]
Mix Proportions for Normal Weight Concrete
Trial design batches, mixture proportioning studies, and testing
requirements for various classes and types of concrete specified shall be
the responsibility of the Contractor. Mixture proportions shall be based
on compressive strength as determined by test specimens fabricated in
accordance with ASTM C 192/C 192M and tested in accordance with ASTM C 39.
Samples of all materials used in mixture proportioning studies shall be
representative of those proposed for use in the project and shall be
accompanied by the manufacturer's or producer's test report indicating
compliance with these specifications. Trial mixtures having proportions,
consistencies, and [air content] suitable for the work shall be made based
on methodology described in ACI 211.1. The trial mixture shall use at
least three different water-cement ratios for each type of mixture, which
will produce a range of strength encompassing those required for each class
and type of concrete required on the project. The maximum water-cement
ratio required will be based on equivalent water-cement ratio calculations
as determined by the conversion from the weight ratio of water to cement
plus pozzolan,[ silica fume,] and ground granulated blast-furnace slag by
weight equivalency method. Laboratory trial mixture shall be designed for
maximum permitted slump and air content. Each combination of material
proposed for use shall have separate trial mixture, except for accelerator
or retarder use can be provided without separate trial mixture. The
temperature of concrete in each trial batch shall be reported. For each
water-cement ratio, at least three test cylinders for each test age shall
be made and cured in accordance with ASTM C 192/C 192M and tested in
accordance with ASTM C 39 for 7 and 28 days. From these results, a curve
shall be plotted showing the relationship between water-cement ratio and
strength for each set of trial mix studies. In addition a curve shall be
plotted showing the relationship between 7 and 28 day strengths.
Lightweight Concrete Proportion
NOTE: Check with structural designer for unit
weight of concrete. ACI 213R provides
recommendations for lightweight concrete.
ACI 211.2, using weight method. Provide ASTM C 330 aggregates for
concrete; [115] [_____] pcf (dry) for floors with a [_____] MPa psi minimum
compressive strength at 28 days. Provide aggregate size No. [_____].
Range of slump shall be between [_____] and [_____] mm inches. [Provide
[_____] percent air entrainment using an air-entraining admixture.]
[Maximum water-cement ratio shall be [_____].]
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