with high paint adhesion and retention characteristics. Edges shall be
sanded smooth and eased to a minimum 3 mm 1/8 inch radius. Voids at edges
shall be filled with epoxy prior to sanding.
Plastic Components
Plastic panels shall be molded of ultraviolet (UV) and color stabilized
polyethylene or nylon with a minimum 5 mm 3/16 inch thickness, ASTM F 1487.
Edges shall be a minimum 5 mm 3/16 inch radius.
Plastic windows shall be flat or molded into a bubble shape, and consist of
clear polycarbonate plastic a minimum 5 mm 3/16 inch thick before forming
in accordance with ASTM D 1248. Material shall be shatterproof and
resistant to crazing, cracking, or fogging.
Recycled Plastic
Recycled plastic shall contain a minimum [85] [_____] percent of recycled
post-consumer product and shall conform to EPA requirements in accordance
with Section 01670 RECYCLED / RECOVERED MATERIALS. Recycled material shall
be constructed or manufactured with a maximum 6 mm 1/4 inch deflection or
creep in any member, ASTM D 648 and ASTM D 6112.
High Density Polyethylene
NOTE: Ensure manufacturers supply quality plastic
products made from post-consumer recycled high
density polyethylene that is equal to the
performance of metal or wood by providing tight
performance standards. High density polyethylene
can be manufactured using post-consumer recycled
plastic resins from products such as milk
containers. Recommend products using high density
The components shall be molded of ultraviolet (UV) and color stabilized
polyethylene. The material shall consist of a minimum 75% plastic profile
of high-density polyethylene, low-density polyethylene, and polypropylene
raw material. The material shall be non-toxic and have no discernible
contaminates such as paper, foil, or wood. The material shall contain a
maximum 3 percent air voids. The material shall be free of splinters,
chips, peels, buckling, and cracks. Material shall be resistant to
deformation from solar heat gain. Material shall have factory-drilled
holes. Components with extra holes not filled by hardware or covered by
other components shall be rejected. The material shall not be painted.
Panels shall be a minimum 6 mm 1/4 inch thick; exposed edges shall be
smoothed, rounded, and free of burrs and points; and the material shall be
shatterproof and resistant to fading, cracking, or fogging.
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