Chain Link Fence Fabric
NOTE: In salt-laden or corrosive industrial
atmosphere, either Class 2 fabric with 610 grams
(2.0 ounces) of zinc coating per square meter (foot)
or Type I, aluminum-coated fabric, will be
specified. In other areas, Class 1 with 370 grams
(1.2 ounces) of zinc coating per square meter (foot)
or Type I will be specified. Class 2b polyvinyl
chloride-coated steel fabric may be specified for
other than security purposes when esthetics is of
prime importance and the additional cost is
justified. Fabric height will be shown on the
contract drawings. Fabric height shall be 1.83 m (6
feet) for controlled areas and 2.13 m (7 feet) for
[ASTM A 392, [Class 1] [Class 2], zinc-coated steel wire with minimum
coating weight of [370] [610] grams [1.2] [2.0] ounces of zinc per square
meter foot of coated surface, or ASTM A 491, Type I, aluminum-coated steel
wire.] [Class 2b polyvinyl chloride-coated steel fabric with 92 grams 0.3
ounces of zinc coating per square meter foot in accordance with ASTM F 668.]
Fabric shall be fabricated of 9 gauge wire woven in 50 mm 2 inch mesh.
[Polyvinyl chloride coating for fabric and all other fence components shall
be manufacturer's standard [_____] in color.] Fabric height shall be [
[1.8] [2.1] m [6] [7] feet] [[_____] meters feet] [as shown]. Fabric shall
be twisted and barbed on the top selvage and knuckled on the bottom selvage.
Woven Wire
Woven wire shall conform to ASTM A 116 [No. 9 farm] [No. 12-1/2 close mesh]
[No. 14-1/2 wolf-proof] [No. 13 poultry and garden] [No. 14-1/2 chick]
fence; grade, size as indicated.
NOTE: Type of gates will be shown on the drawings,
including degree of swing required. In heavy use
conditions overhead slide gates should be considered
if clearances permit, because these gates require
less maintenance and repair than cantilever gates.
Ground level track and roller systems should be
avoided in climates where snow and ice may
accumulate. Recessed tracks should never be used in
climates where the recess may fill with ice and
snow. Where gates are to receive electric locks,
the gate post foundations should be lowered to frost
depth to help prevent misalignment of the lock
ASTM F 900 and/or ASTM F 1184. Gate shall be the type and swing shown.
Gate frames shall conform to strength and coating requirements of ASTM F
1083 for Group IA, steel pipe, with external coating Type A, nominal pipe
size (NPS) 1-1/2. Gate frames shall conform to strength and coating
requirements of ASTM F 1043, for Group IC, steel pipe with external coating
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