Designated Play Surface: Any elevated surface for standing, walking,
sitting, or climbing; or a flat surface a minimum 50 mm 2 inches wide
having up to a maximum 30 degree angle from horizontal. In some play
events the platform surface will be the same as the designated play
surface. However, the terms should not be interchanged as they do not
define the same point of measurement according to ASTM F 1487.
Head Injury Criteria (HIC): A measure of impact severity that considers
the duration over which the most critical section of the deceleration pulse
persists as well as the peak level of that deceleration. Head impact
injuries are not believed to be life threatening if the HIC does not exceed
a value of 1,000.
Impact Attenuation: The ability of protective surfacing to reduce and
dissipate the energy of an impacting body.
Loose Fill: Consisting of small independent movable components such as
sand, gravel, or wood chip. The percent of fine material in the loose fill
affects its compression properties from rainfall.
Maximum Equipment Height: The highest point on the equipment (i.e.:
ridge, top of support pole.
Play Event: A piece of manufactured playground equipment that supports one
or more play activities.
NOTE: Drawings will indicate the perimeters of the
play event use zone defining fall height, platform
height, and maximum equipment height; spot
elevations; and details as required to install
protective surfacing to meet child safety
Accessibility: Drawings will indicate spot
elevations; dimensions; ramp slope and rise;
transfer platform height and transfer space;
transfer step and height; and maneuvering space as
required to install protective surfacing to meet
child accessibility requirements.
The perimeters of the play event use zone shall be measured in accordance
with the requirements of Section 02882 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT.
Synthetic surfacing and loose-fill surfacing systems installed in the use
zones shall meet or exceed the impact attenuating performance requirements
as follows. The surfacing critical height value shall yield up to both a
maximum 200 G's peak deceleration, and a maximum 1,000 Head Injury Criteria
(HIC) value for a head-first fall from the play event in accordance with
CPSC Pub No 325 and ASTM F 1292. The protective surfacing should have a
minimum critical height value equal to the height of the highest designated
play surface. Measuring fall heights for play events is defined in
paragraph FALL HEIGHT. Sand, gravel, and wood products shall not be
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