the dimensions shown on the plans. The precast concrete shall have a
compressive strength of not less than [_____] at 28 days and an entrained
air content of not less than [_____].
Cast-in-Place Concrete
NOTE: Minimum compressive strength of cast-in-place
concrete should be 21 MPa (3,000 psi) unless
content of the fresh concrete should be 6 percent
plus or minus 1.5 percent in areas where freezing
and thawing coverage is a design consideration.
Delete this paragraph when this option is not
The edge restraint shall be portland cement concrete placed with the
dimensions shown in the plans. Concrete shall conform to the requirements
of ACI 301, except that it shall have a compressive strength of not less
than [_____] at 28 days and an entrained air content of not less than
Paving Block
NOTE: Sampling of paving blocks prior to the start
of the work for the purposes of verifying the color
and shape of the blocks will only be required when
these considerations are critical to the project
aesthetics. For jobs of less than 1000 square
meters (10,000 square feet) or for pavements not to
be exposed to vehicular traffic, a manufacturer's
certificate which certifies that the paving blocks
meet the requirements of ASTM C 936 can be accepted
in lieu of sampling and testing the blocks of each
The Contractor shall conduct the tests prescribed by ASTM C 936 and the
following tests on the remaining 13 blocks of each sample from each lot.
Freezing and Thawing
NOTE: The freezing and thawing test may be waived
for climates not subject to freezing and thawing.
For jobs of less than 1000 square meters (10,000
square feet), a manufacturer's certificate which
certifies that the paving blocks meet the
requirements of this paragraph may be accepted in
lieu of sampling and testing the blocks of each lot.
Resistance to freezing and thawing shall be determined in accordance with
Section 8 of ASTM C 67 for five blocks. The blocks shall have no breakage
and no more than 1.0 percent loss of any individual unit in dry weight when
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