NOTE: Paving block to be subject to vehicular
traffic should be placed in herringbone pattern, and
this pattern can be specified here.
The paving block shall be placed by hand or machine in the indicated
pattern. Placement of paving block shall start from a corner or straight
edge and proceed forward over the undisturbed sand bedding layer. The
joints, excluding any chamfer between paving blocks, shall be not less than
2 mm 1/16 inch or more than 6 mm 1/4 inch in width. After seating, the
block surface shall be flush or up to 6 mm 1/4 inch above the edge
Unfilled Gaps
Any gaps between paving blocks and any edge restraint, drainage structures,
or other members that cannot be filled with a whole block shall be filled
with a paving block cut to fit the gap, except that slivers will not be
allowed and the minimum size of cut block shall be [_____]. Cutting shall
be done with a hydraulic splitter, a masonry saw, or other device that
accurately leaves a clean, vertical face without spalling. Any remaining
gap between the block and adjoining edge restraint or structure greater
than 6 mm 1/4 inch will not be accepted; adjacent blocks shall be cut or
rearranged to prevent this.
Seating Blocks
The blocks shall be seated in the bedding sand by compacting them with a
minimum of three passes of a vibratory plate compactor, sized as follows:
Jointing Sand
The jointing sand shall be swept into joints and vibrated with a vibratory
plate or vibratory roller compactor. This process shall be continued until
sweeping and vibrating have filled all joints with sand and further
vibration cannot force additional sand into the joints. The coarser
particles of the sand will not enter the joints and will remain on the
surface. These particles and any excess sand shall be swept off the
Timing of Operations
Seating of blocks and placement of jointing sand can be done concurrently
with block placement. However, seating of blocks and placement of jointing
sand shall not be done within 1.5 m 5 feet of any unfinished edge of the
block pavement that is not supported by the edge restraint.
Final Rolling
NOTE: This paragraph can be deleted for light load
pavements such as driveways or pedestrian walkways.
The final finished paving block surface shall be rolled with four passes of
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