applicable Section of these specifications. The surface of the underlying
material shall be tested as to crown, elevation, and density in advance of
setting forms or of concrete placement using slip-form techniques. High
areas shall be trimmed to proper elevation. Low areas shall be filled and
compacted to a condition similar to that of surrounding grade, or filled
with concrete monolithically with the pavement. Low areas filled with
concrete shall not be cored for thickness to avoid biasing the average
thickness used for evaluation and payment adjustment. Any underlying
material disturbed by construction operations shall be reworked and
recompacted to specified density immediately in front of the paver. If a
slipform paver is used, the same underlying material under the paving lane
shall be continued beyond the edge of the lane a sufficient distance and
shall be thoroughly compacted and true to grade to provide a suitable
trackline for the slipform paver and firm support for the edge of the
paving lane.
Traffic on Underlying Material
NOTE: Transporting equipment should not be allowed
to operate on the prepared underlying material for
airfield paving. Operating hauling equipment in the
paving lane will cause the paver to stop frequently,
producing a discontinuity in the pavement surface.
Edit bracketed items as appropriate and coordinate
with Part 1, subparagraph: Transfer and Spreading
After the underlying material has been prepared for concrete placement, no
equipment shall be permitted thereon. Subject to specific approval,
crossing of the prepared underlying material at specified intervals for
construction purposes may be permitted, provided rutting or indentations do
not occur. The surface shall be reworked and reprepared to the
satisfaction of the Contracting Officer before concrete is placed. No
transporting equipment shall be allowed to operate on the prepared and
compacted underlying material in front of the paver-finisher. [Equipment
shall be allowed to operate on the underlying material only if approved in
writing and only if no damage is done to the underlying material and its
degree of compaction. Any disturbance to the underlying material that does
occur shall be corrected, as approved, before the paver-finisher or the
deposited concrete reaches the location of the disturbance and the
equipment shall be replaced or procedures changed to prevent any future
Placement and Protection During Inclement Weather
The Contractor shall not commence placing operations when heavy rain or
other damaging weather conditions appear imminent. At all times when
placing concrete, the Contractor shall maintain on-site sufficient
waterproof cover and means to rapidly place it over all unhardened concrete
or concrete that might be damaged by rain. Placement of concrete shall be
suspended whenever rain, high winds, or other damaging weather commences to
damage the surface or texture of the placed unhardened concrete, washes
cement out of the concrete, or changes the water content of the surface
concrete. All unhardened concrete shall be immediately covered and
protected from the rain or other damaging weather. Any slab damaged by
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