conform to the requirements of paragraph EQUIPMENT, all requirements
specified above under paragraph PAVING and as specified herein.
Forms for Fixed-Form Paving
NOTE: Delete subparagraph d. when overlay pavements
are not required.
a. Straight forms shall be made of steel and shall be furnished
in sections not less than 3 m 10 feet in length. Flexible or
curved forms of proper radius shall be used for curves of 31 m
100-foot radius or less. Wood forms for curves and fillets shall
be made of well-seasoned, surfaced plank or plywood, straight, and
free from warp or bend. Wood forms shall be adequate in strength
and rigidly braced. Forms shall have a depth equal to the
pavement thickness at the edge. Where the project requires
several different slab thicknesses, forms may be built up by
bolting or welding a tubular metal section or by bolting wood
planks to the bottom of the form to completely cover the underside
of the base of the form and provide an increase in depth of not
more than 25 percent. Maximum vertical deviation of top of any
side form, including joints, shall not vary from a true plane more
than 3 mm 1/8 inch in 3 m 10 feet, and the upstanding leg shall
not vary more than 6 mm 1/4 inch. [Where keyway forms are
required, they shall be rigidly attached to the main form so no
displacement can take place. Metal keyway forms shall be
tack-welded to steel forms. Keyway forms shall be so aligned that
there is no variation over 6 mm 1/4 inch either vertically or
horizontally, when tested with a 4 m 12 foot template after forms
are set, including tests across form joints.]
Form sections shall be tightly locked and shall be free from play
or movement in any direction. Forms shall be provided with
adequate devices for secure settings so that when in place they
will withstand, without visible spring or settlement, the impact
and vibration of the consolidating and finishing equipment.
Set forms for full bearing on foundation for entire length and
width and in alignment with edge of finished pavement. Support
forms during entire operation of placing, compaction, and
finishing so that forms will not deviate vertically more than 3 mm
0.01 foot from required grade and elevations indicated.
Conformity to the alignment and grade elevations shown on the
drawings shall be checked and necessary corrections shall be made
immediately prior to placing the concrete. The forms shall be
cleaned and oiled each time before concrete is placed. No
concrete shall be placed until setting of forms has been checked
and approved by the CQC team.
Forms for overlay pavements and for other locations where forms
must be set on existing pavements shall be held securely in place
with stakes or by other approved methods. Holes in existing
pavements for form stakes shall be carefully drilled by methods
which will not crack or spall the existing pavement. After use,
the holes shall be filled flush with the surrounding surface using
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