transfer equipment shall be ready for use, clean, and free of hardened
concrete and foreign material. Equipment for spreading, consolidating,
screeding, finishing, and texturing concrete shall be at the paving site,
clean and in proper working order. All equipment and material for curing
and for protecting concrete from weather or mechanical damage shall be at
the paving site, in proper working condition, and in sufficient amount for
the entire placement.
Weather Prevention
When windy conditions during paving appear probable, equipment and material
shall be at the paving site to provide windbreaks, shading, fogging, or
other action to prevent plastic shrinkage cracking or other damaging drying
of the concrete.
Proposed Techniques
NOTE: Include joint layout and typical detail of
joint/dowel bar spacing in drawings and coordinate
with paragraph: Placing Dowels and Tie Bars.
Insert office title for approval of joint plan
The Contractor shall submit for approval the following items:
a. A description of the placing and protection methods proposed
when concrete is to be placed in or exposed to hot, cold, or rainy
weather conditions.
b. A detailed paving sequence plan and proposed paving pattern
showing all planned construction joints; transverse and
longitudinal dowel bar spacing; and identifying pilot lanes and
hand placement areas. No deviation from the jointing pattern
shown on the drawings shall be made without written approval of
the [design engineer] [_____].
c. Plan and equipment proposed to control alignment of sawn
joints within the specified tolerances.
Data on the curing equipment, media and methods to be used.
e. Data on profilograph and methods to measure pavement
f. Pavement demolition work plan, presenting the proposed
methods and equipment to remove existing pavement and protect
pavement to remain in place.
General Procedures
Underlying material, upon which concrete is to be placed shall be clean,
damp, and free from debris, waste concrete or cement, frost, ice, and
standing or running water. Prior to setting forms or placement of
concrete, the underlying material shall be well drained and shall have been
satisfactorily graded and uniformly compacted in accordance with the
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