inches for pavement constructed with fixed forms. For slipformed pavement,
at the start of the project, the Contractor shall select a maximum
allowable slump which will produce in-place pavement meeting the specified
tolerances for control of edge slump. The selected slump shall be
applicable to both pilot and fill-in lanes.
Concrete Temperature
The temperature of the concrete as delivered shall conform to the
requirements of paragraphs, Paving in Hot Weather and Paving in Cold
Weather. Temperature of concrete shall be determined in accordance with
ASTM C 1064/C 1064M.
Concrete Strength for Final Acceptance
NOTE: The designer has the option to specify
concrete strength by using "Cylinders/Beams" or
The strength of the concrete will be considered acceptable when the average
equivalent [90-day] [28-day] flexural strengths for each lot are above
the'Specified Flexural Strength' as determined by correlation with 14-day
compressive strength tests specified in paragraph: Mixture Proportioning
for Flexural Strength, The strength of the concrete will be considered
acceptable when the equivalent [90-day] [28-day] flexural strengths for
each lot are above the'Specified Flexural Strength' as determined by
correlation with 14-day flexural strength tests specified in paragraph:
Mixture Proportioning for Flexural Strength, and no individual set (2
specimens per sublot) in the lot are 170 kPa 25 psi or more below the
equivalent 'Specified Flexural Strength'. If any lot or sublot,
respectively, fails to meet the above criteria, the lot or sublot shall be
removed and replaced at no additional cost to the Government. This is in
addition to and does not replace the average strength required for
day-to-day CQC operations as specified in paragraph: Average CQC Flexural
Strength Required for Mixtures.
NOTE: Edit bracketed items as appropriate.
Normally, permit accelerator only with fast-track
paving. If approval has been obtained and airfield
pavement has been designed and specified for 28-day
flexural strength in paragraph: Specified Flexural
Strength, modify the following subparagraphs
accordingly. Do the same if this is road pavement
designed for 28-day strength. Use the higher
bracketed cement content if pozzolan is used.
NOTE: Use the first option for Army and Air Force
jobs; use the second option for Navy jobs only.
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