surface shall be finished to meet the approval of the Contracting Officer.
Detailed notes shall be kept of the results of the testing and a copy
furnished to the Government after each day's testing.
Smoothness Requirements
NOTE: Delete or retain paragraphs in brackets for
roads and streets features, as required.
a. Straightedge Testing: The finished surfaces of the pavements shall
have no abrupt change of 6 mm 1/4 inch or more, and all pavements shall
be within the limits specified herinafter when checked with an approved
4 m 12 foot straightedge. Runways and taxiways shall have a variation
from the specified straight edge not greater than 3 mm 1/8 inch in the
longitudinal direction and not greater than 6 mm 1/4 inch in the
transverse direction. All other airfield areas shall have a variation
from a straight edge not greater than 6 mm 1/4 inch in either the
longitudinal or transverse direction. [Roads, streets, tank
hardstands, vehicular parking areas, and open storage areas shall have
a variation from the specified straight edge not greater than 6 mm 1/4
inch in either the longitudinal or transverse direction.]
b. Profilograph Testing: The finished surfaces of the pavements shall
have no abrupt change of 6 mm 1/4 inch or more, and each 0.1 km 0.1 mile
segment of each pavement lot shall have a Profile Index not greater
than specified herinafter when tested with an approved California-type
profilograph. Runways and taxiways shall have a Profile index not
greater than 110 mm per km 7 inches per mile in the longitudinal
direction. Runway and taxiway transverse smoothness shall be measured
with the straight edge method and the straight edge requirements shall
apply. All other airfield areas shall have a Profile Index not greater
than 140 mm per km 9 inches per mile in the longitudinal direction.
[Roads, streets, tank hardstands, vehicular parking areas and open
storage areas shall have a Profile index not greater than 140 mm per km
9 inches per mile in the longitudinal direction.]
Testing Method
After the concrete has hardened sufficiently to permit walking thereon, but
not later than 48 hours after placement, the entire surface of the pavement
in each lot shall be tested by the Contractor in such a manner as to reveal
all surface irregularities exceeding the tolerances specified above. If
any pavement areas are ground, these areas shall be retested immediately
after diamond grinding. The entire area of the pavement shall be tested in
transverse lines shall be 4.5 m 15 feet or less apart, as directed. The
longitudinal lines shall be at the centerline of each paving lane shown on
the drawings, regardless of whether the Contractor is allowed to pave two
lanes at a time, and at the 1/8th point in from each side of the lane.
Other areas having obvious deviations shall also be tested. Longitudinal
testing lines shall be continuous across all joints. Transverse testing
lines for pilot lanes shall be carried to construction joint lines and for
fill-in lanes shall be carried 600 mm 24 inches across construction joints,
and the readings in this area applied to the fill-in lane. Straightedge
testing of the longitudinal edges of slipformed pilot lanes shall also be
performed before paving fill-in lanes as specified in paragraph "Edge Slump
and Joint Face Deformation".
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