tests for the lot. Where three sublots have been completed, they shall
constitute a lot. Where one or two sublots have been completed, they shall
be incorporated into the next lot (except for the last lot), and the total
number of sublots shall be used and acceptance criteria adjusted
Acceptance of Lots
When a lot of material fails to meet the specification requirements, that
lot will be accepted at a reduced price or shall be removed and replaced.
The lowest computed percent payment determined for any pavement
characteristic (i.e., thickness, grade, and surface smoothness) discussed
below shall be the actual percent payment for that lot. The actual percent
payment will be applied to the bid price and the measured quantity of
concrete in the lot to determine actual payment. Results of strength tests
shall be used to control concreting operations. Strength will be
evaluated, but will not be considered for payment adjustment. Any pavement
not meeting the required 'specified strength' shall be removed and replaced
at no additional cost to the Government.
The Contractor shall provide all sampling and testing required for
acceptance and payment adjustment at the Contractor's expense. Individuals
performing sampling, testing and inspection duties shall meet the
requirements of paragraph: QUALIFICATIONS.
Additional Sampling and Testing
The Contracting Officer reserves the right to direct additional samples and
tests for any area which appears to deviate from the specification
requirements. Testing in these areas will be in addition to the sublot or
lot testing, and the requirements for these areas will be the same as those
for a sublot or lot. The Contractor shall provide facilities for and,
where directed, personnel to assist in obtaining samples for any Government
Surface Smoothness
NOTE: Edit these paragraphs as appropriate to the
project. If it is desired to restrict surface
smoothness testing and evaluation to either
straightedge method or profilograph method, retain
the one and delete the other; otherwise, retain both
as a Contractor's option. Require use of the
profilograph method for airfield taxiways and
runways. When the profilograph method is allowed,
and there are areas with dimensions less than 60 m
(200 feet) in any direction, retain the straightedge
method for these short runs.
The profilograph method shall be used for all longitudinal testing, except
for paving lanes less than 60 m 200 feet in length. The straightedge
method shall be used for transverse testing, for longitudinal testing where
the length of each pavement lane is less than 60 m 200 feet, and at the
ends of the paving limits for the project. Where drawings show required
deviations from a plane surface (crowns, drainage inlets, etc.), the
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