d. A description of the equipment proposed for the machine and
hand placing, consolidating and curing of the concrete mixture,
method of control, and manufacturer's literature on the paver and
finisher, together with the manufacturer's written instructions on
adjustments and operating procedures necessary to assure a tight,
smooth surface on the concrete pavement. The literature shall
show that the equipment meets all details of these specifications.
[Detailed information on automatic laser controlled systems shall
be submitted if proposed for use.]
Proposed Techniques[; G][; G, [_____]]
Placing and protection methods; paving sequence; jointing
pattern; data on curing equipment and profilographs; demolition of
existing pavements; as specified.
SD-05 Design Data
Proportioning Studies; G, ED
The results of the mixture proportioning studies shall be signed
and stamped by the registered professional engineer having
technical responsibility for the mix design study and submitted at
least 30 days prior to commencing concrete placing operations.
The results shall include a statement giving the maximum nominal
coarse aggregate size and the weights and volumes of each
ingredient proportioned on a one cubic meter yard basis.
Aggregate quantities shall be based on the mass in a saturated
surface dry condition. The recommended mixture proportions shall
be accompanied by test results demonstrating that the proportions
selected will produce concrete of the qualities indicated. The
submittal shall include:
a. Coarse and fine aggregate gradations and plots.
b. Combined aggregate gradation and [coarseness/workability]
c. Coarse aggregate quality test results, including
deleterious materials.
d. Fine aggregate quality test results.
e. Mill certificates for cement, pozzolan, and GGBF slag.
f. Certified test results for air entraining, water reducing,
retarding, non-chloride accelerating[, and Lithium Nitrate]
g. Specifed flexural strength, slump, and air content.
h. Documentation for average CQC flexural strength increase.
i. Recommended proportions/volumes for proposed mixture and
each of three trial water-cementitious materials ratios.
j. Individual beam [and cylinder] breaks.
k. Flexural [and compressive ]strength summaries and plots.
l. Correlation ratios for acceptance testing and CQC testing.
m. Historical record of test results, documenting production
standard deviation (if available).
SD-06 Test Reports
Sampling and Testing; G, ED
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