Grade and Smoothness
The Contractor shall conduct the necessary checks to ensure the grade and
smoothness requirements are met in accordance with paragraph MATERIAL
Additional Testing
Any additional testing, which the Contractor deems necessary to control the
process, may be performed at the Contractor's option.
QC Monitoring
The Contractor shall submit all QC test results to the Contracting Officer
Engineer on a daily basis as the tests are performed. The Contracting
OfficerEngineer reserves the right to monitor any of the Contractor's
quality control testing and to perform duplicate testing as a check to the
Contractor's quality control testing.
When directed by the Contracting OfficerEngineer, the Contractor shall
sample and test any material which appears inconsistent with similar
material being produced, unless such material is voluntarily removed and
replaced or deficiencies corrected by the Contractor. All sampling shall
be in accordance with standard procedures specified.
Control Charts
For process control, the Contractor shall establish and maintain linear
control charts on both individual samples and the running average of last
four samples for the parameters listed in Table 6, as a minimum. These
control charts shall be posted as directed by the Contracting Officer
Engineer and shall be kept current at all times. The control charts shall
identify the project number, the test parameter being plotted, the
individual sample numbers, the Action and Suspension Limits listed in Table
6 applicable to the test parameter being plotted, and the Contractor's test
results. Target values from the JMF shall also be shown on the control
charts as indicators of central tendency for the cumulative percent
passing, asphalt content, and laboratory air voids parameters. When the
test results exceed either applicable Action Limit, the Contractor shall
take immediate steps to bring the process back in control. When the test
results exceed either applicable Suspension Limit, the Contractor shall
halt production until the problem is solved. The Contractor shall use the
control charts as part of the process control system for identifying trends
so that potential problems can be corrected before they occur. Decisions
concerning mix modifications shall be made based on analysis of the results
provided in the control charts. The Quality Control Plan shall indicate
the appropriate action which shall be taken to bring the process into
control when certain parameters exceed their Action Limits.
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