Contractor, with the exception that the Contractor shall not apply more
than three passes with a vibratory roller in the vibrating mode. The speed
of the roller shall, at all times, be sufficiently slow to avoid
displacement of the hot mixture and be effective in compaction. Any
displacement occurring as a result of reversing the direction of the
roller, or from any other cause, shall be corrected at once. Sufficient
rollers shall be furnished to handle the output of the plant. Rolling
shall continue until the surface is of uniform texture, true to grade and
cross section, and the required field density is obtained. To prevent
adhesion of the mixture to the roller, the wheels shall be kept properly
moistened but excessive water will not be permitted. In areas not
accessible to the roller, the mixture shall be thoroughly compacted with
hand tampers. Any mixture that becomes loose and broken, mixed with dirt,
contains check-cracking, or is in any way defective shall be removed full
depth, replaced with fresh hot mixture and immediately compacted to conform
to the surrounding area. This work shall be done at the Contractor's
expense. Skin patching will not be allowed.
The formation of joints shall be made ensuring a continuous bond between
the courses and to obtain the required density. All joints shall have the
same texture as other sections of the course and meet the requirements for
smoothness and grade.
Transverse Joints
The roller shall not pass over the unprotected end of the freshly laid
mixture, except when necessary to form a transverse joint. When necessary
to form a transverse joint, it shall be made by means of placing a bulkhead
or by tapering the course. The tapered edge shall be cut back to its full
depth and width on a straight line to expose a vertical face prior to
placing the adjacent lane. The cutback material shall be removed from the
project. In both methods, all contact surfaces shall be given a light tack
coat of asphalt material before placing any fresh mixture against the joint.
Longitudinal Joints
Longitudinal joints which are irregular, damaged, uncompacted, cold (less
than 80 degrees C 175 degrees F at the time of placing the adjacent lane),
or otherwise defective, shall be cut back a maximum of 75 mm 3 inches from
the top edge of the lift with a cutting wheel to expose a clean, sound
vertical surface for the full depth of the course. All cutback material
shall be removed from the project. All contact surfaces shall be given a
light tack coat of asphalt material prior to placing any fresh mixture
against the joint. The Contractor will be allowed to use an alternate
method if it can be demonstrated that density, smoothness, and texture can
be met.
NOTE: The Contractor may be able to meet the
specified quality control requirements with in-house
capability or may have to hire a material testing
firm to provide the required quality control testing.
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