The laboratory used to develop the JMF and for GovernmentEngineer
acceptance testing shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 3666. A
certification signed by the manager of the laboratory stating that it meets
these requirements or clearly listing all deficiencies shall be submitted
to the Contracting OfficerEngineer prior to the start of construction. The
certification shall contain as a minimum:
a. Qualifications of personnel; laboratory manager, supervising
technician, and testing technicians.
A listing of equipment to be used in developing the job mix.
d. Evidence of participation in the AASHTO Materials Reference
Laboratory (AMRL) program.
The hot-mix asphalt shall be transported from the mixing plant to the site
in clean, tight vehicles. Deliveries shall be scheduled so that placing
and compacting of mixture is uniform with minimum stopping and starting of
the paver. Adequate artificial lighting shall be provided for night
placements. Hauling over freshly placed material will not be permitted
until the material has been compacted as specified, and allowed to cool to
60 degrees C 140 degrees F.
The mix shall be placed and compacted at a temperature suitable for
obtaining density, surface smoothness, and other specified requirements.
Upon arrival, the mixture shall be placed to the full width by an asphalt
paver; it shall be struck off in a uniform layer of such depth that, when
the work is completed, it shall have the required thickness and conform to
the grade and contour indicated. The speed of the paver shall be regulated
to eliminate pulling and tearing of the asphalt mat. Unless otherwise
permitted, placement of the mixture shall begin along the centerline of a
crowned section or on the high side of areas with a one-way slope. The
mixture shall be placed in consecutive adjacent strips having a minimum
width of 3 m 10 feet. The longitudinal joint in one course shall offset
the longitudinal joint in the course immediately below by at least 300 mm 1
foot; however, the joint in the surface course shall be at the centerline
of the pavement. Transverse joints in one course shall be offset by at
least 3 m 10 feet from transverse joints in the previous course.
Transverse joints in adjacent lanes shall be offset a minimum of 3 m 10 feet.
On isolated areas where irregularities or unavoidable obstacles make the
use of mechanical spreading and finishing equipment impractical, the
After placing, the mixture shall be thoroughly and uniformly compacted by
rolling. The surface shall be compacted as soon as possible without
causing displacement, cracking or shoving. The sequence of rolling
operations and the type of rollers used shall be at the discretion of the
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