Percent Payment
When a lot of material fails to meet the specification requirements for 100
percent pay as outlined in the following paragraphs, that lot shall be
removed and replaced, or accepted at a reduced price which will be computed
by multiplying the unit price by the lot's pay factor. The lot pay factor
is determined by taking the lowest computed pay factor based on either
laboratory air voids, in-place density, grade or smoothness (each discussed
below). Pay factors based on different criteria (i.e., laboratory air
voids and in-place density) of the same lot will not be multiplied together
to get a lower lot pay factor. At the end of the project, an average of
all lot pay factors will be calculated. If this average lot pay factor
exceeds 95.0 percent and no individual lot has a pay factor less than 75.1
percent, then the percent payment for the entire project will be 100
percent of the unit bid price. If the average lot pay factor is less than
95.0 percent, then each lot will be paid for at the unit price multiplied
by the lot's pay factor. For any lots which are less than 2000 metric short
tons, a weighted lot pay factor will be used to calculate the average lot
pay factor.
Sublot Sampling
One random mixture sample for determining laboratory air voids, theoretical
maximum density, and for any additional testing the Contracting Officer
Engineer desires, will be taken from a loaded truck delivering mixture to
each sublot, or other appropriate location for each sublot. All samples
will be selected randomly, using commonly recognized methods of assuring
randomness conforming to ASTM D 3665 and employing tables of random numbers
or computer programs. Laboratory air voids will be determined from three
laboratory compacted specimens of each sublot sample in accordance with
ASTM D 6926. The specimens will be compacted within 2 hours of the time
the mixture was loaded into trucks at the asphalt plant. Samples will not
be reheated prior to compaction and insulated containers will be used as
necessary to maintain the temperature.
Additional Sampling and Testing
The Contracting OfficerEngineer reserves the right to direct additional
samples and tests for any area which appears to deviate from the
specification requirements. The cost of any additional testing will be
paid for by the GovernmentOwner. Testing in these areas will be treated as
a separate lot. Payment will be made for the quantity of HMA represented
by these tests in accordance with the provisions of this section.
Laboratory Air Voids and Theoretical Maximum Density
Laboratory air voids will be calculated in accordance with ASTM D 3203 by
determining the Marshall density of each lab compacted specimen using the
laboratory-prepared, thoroughly dry method in ASTM D 2726 and determining
the theoretical maximum density (TMD) of every other sublot sample using
ASTM D 2041. Laboratory air void calculations for each sublot will use the
latest theoretical maximum density values obtained, either for that sublot
or the previous sublot. The mean absolute deviation of the four laboratory
air void contents (one from each sublot) from the JMF air void content will
be evaluated and a pay factor determined from Table 7. All laboratory air
void tests will be completed and reported within 24 hours after completion
of construction of each lot. The TMD is also used for computation of
compaction, as required in paragraph: Mat and Joint Densities.
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