of the borehole annular space to prevent bridging.
Bentonite base grout
shall be in accordance with ASTM D 5092.
Neat Cement Grout
Provide neat cement grout in accordance with ASTM D 5092. Cement shall be
in accordance with ASTM C 150. Quick setting admixtures shall not be
allowed. Drilling mud or cuttings shall not be used as a sealing material.
Provide flush threaded solid plug at the bottom of the well. Plug shall be
the same material as the well [casing] [screen] to which it is attached.
Joints shall be wrapped with fluoropolymer tape and provided with nitrile
O-ring gaskets.
Provide flush threaded, weatherproof, and non-removable locking well cap on
the top of the well. Well cap shall be of the same material as the well
casing to which it is attached. Well cap shall accommodate padlock.
Provide a long shackled padlock in accordance with ASTM F 883. Provide two
keys for the padlock, and turn them over to the Contracting Officer.
[Locks at the well site shall be keyed alike.]
Clearly mark and secure the well to avoid unauthorized access and
tampering. Cast the words ["MONITORING WELL"] ["EXTRACTION WELL"] on the
well head cover. Provide a sign reading, "WELL IS FOR MONITORING AND IS
NOT SAFE FOR DRINKING." Provide stamped metal identification tag as
ID #:
Installed By:
Total Depth:
Screened Interval:
TOC Elevation:
For Information, Call:
Aboveground Completions
Provide protective outer casing around the well casing extending above
grade. The diameter of the protective outer casing shall be a minimum of
100 mm 4 inches larger than the well casing diameter. The top of the
protective outer casing shall extend a minimum of 150 mm 6 inches above the
top of the well casing cap. The protective outer casing shall be set in
cement grout and the bottom of the protective well casing shall extend
[below the depth of the frost line] [to the depth indicated]. A 6 mm 1/4
inch diameter weep hole shall be drilled in the protective outer casing 75
mm 3 inches above the ground surface. The annular space between the
protective outer casing and the well casing shall be filled with pea gravel
or coarse sand to just below the level of the cap on the well casing. The
locking well cap shall be provided on top of the protective outer casing.
[Provide 150 mm 6 inch diameter steel pipe bollards, filled with concrete
as indicated to protect the exposed well head.]
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