aluminate content of 8 percent. For high sulfate
tricalcium aluminate content of 5 percent.
ASTM C 150, [Type I, II, or III] [_____], or ASTM C 59/C 59M5M ASTM C 59/C
59M5, Type [IP(MS) or IS(MS)] [_____] blended cement except as modified
herein. The blended cement shall consist of a mixture of ASTM C 150 cement
and one of the following materials: ASTM C 618 pozzolan or fly ash, or
ASTM C 989 ground iron blast furnace slag. The pozzolan/fly ash content
shall not exceed 25 percent by weight of the total cementitious material.
The ground iron blast-furnace slag shall not exceed 50 percent by weight of
total cementitious material. [Cement shall have a maximum tricalcium
aluminate content of [5] [8] percent.]
NOTE: For piles in areas where reactive aggregates
are found, provide for additional tests and
certification to ensure that reactive aggregates
will not be used. While not wholly conclusive,
petrographic examination (ASTM C 295), chemical test
(ASTM C 28/c 28M9), provide valuable indicators.
The mortar bar method (ASTM C 227), while more
reliable, requires at least 6 months and preferably
one year to yield results. In areas where reactive
aggregates cannot be avoided, specify use of low
alkali cement. Service records of concrete made
with these materials along with tests should be used
NOTE: Include modification to ASTM C 33 when
reactive aggregates could be encountered. More
modifications may be required. Additional tests and
certifications may be required in the submittal
ASTM C 33[, except as modified herein. Provide aggregate free from any
substance which may be deleteriously reactive with alkalies in cement in an
amount sufficient to cause excessive expansion of concrete]. Do not mix,
store in same stockpile, or use fine aggregates from different sources of
supply in same concrete mix or same structure without approval. Maximum
coarse aggregate size shall be 19 mm 3/4 inch.
NOTE: For guidance in use of either water-reducing
admixtures, set retarding admixtures, or combination
of admixtures, refer to ACI 543R, "Recommendations
for Design, Manufacture, and Installation of
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