jacking, boring, or tunneling will be specified as
Unless otherwise indicated, excavation shall be by open cut except that
sections of a trench may be jacked, bored, or tunneled if, in the opinion
of the Contracting Officer, the pipe, cable, or duct can be safely and
properly installed and backfill can be properly compacted in such sections.
Underground Utilities
NOTE: Delete this paragraph in its entirety if no
known utilities or subsurface construction is
located below or adjacent to work covered in this
Movement of construction machinery and equipment over pipes and utilities
during construction shall be at the Contractor's risk. [Perform work
adjacent to non-Government utilities as indicated in accordance with
procedures outlined by utility company.] [Excavation made with
power-driven equipment is not permitted within [600] [_____] mm [two]
[_____] feet of known Government-owned utility or subsurface construction.
For work immediately adjacent to or for excavations exposing a utility or
other buried obstruction, excavate by hand. Start hand excavation on each
side of the indicated obstruction and continue until the obstruction is
uncovered or until clearance for the new grade is assured. Support
uncovered lines or other existing work affected by the contract excavation
until approval for backfill is granted by the Contracting Officer.] Report
damage to utility lines or subsurface construction immediately to the
Contracting Officer.
Structural Excavation
Ensure that footing subgrades have been inspected and approved by the
Contracting Officer prior to concrete placement. Excavate to bottom of
pile cap prior to placing or driving piles, unless authorized otherwise by
the Contracting Officer. Backfill and compact over excavations and changes
in grade due to pile driving operations to 95 percent of ASTM D 698 maximum
NOTE: Where a substantial quantity of borrow
excavation is anticipated, the drawings and
specifications will indicate the location or
locations within the project site, and the
conditions under which borrow may be obtained.
Borrow material shall be selected to meet the requirements and conditions
of the particular fill or embankment for which it is to be used. Borrow
material shall be obtained from the borrow areas [shown on drawings]
[within the limits of the project site, selected by the Contractor] [or]
[from approved private sources]. Unless otherwise provided in the
contract, the Contractor shall obtain from the owners the right to procure
material, pay royalties and other charges involved, and bear the expense of
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