growth as compared with the remainder of the
excavated material. Surface soil that is a heavy
clay, predominantly sandy, or is lean in grass- and
plant-growth qualities, will not be saved. The
hauling, spreading, smoothing, and maintenance of
the topsoil in preparation for the seeding and
planting operations are generally considered under a
separate section, and therefore are not considered
in this specification. The blank will be filled
with the appropriate depth dimension.
Where indicated or directed, topsoil shall be stripped to a depth of [100]
[_____] mm [4] [_____] inches. Topsoil shall be spread on areas already
graded and prepared for topsoil, or transported and deposited in stockpiles
convenient to areas that are to receive application of the topsoil later,
or at locations indicated or specified. Topsoil shall be kept separate
from other excavated materials, brush, litter, objectionable weeds, roots,
stones larger than 50 mm 2 inches in diameter, and other materials that
would interfere with planting and maintenance operations. Any surplus of
topsoil from excavations and grading shall be [stockpiled in locations
indicated] [removed from the site].
The Contractor shall perform excavation of every type of material
encountered within the limits of the project to the lines, grades, and
elevations indicated and as specified. Grading shall be in conformity with
the typical sections shown and the tolerances specified in paragraph
FINISHING. Satisfactory excavated materials shall be transported to and
placed in fill or embankment within the limits of the work. Unsatisfactory
materials encountered within the limits of the work shall be excavated
below grade and replaced with satisfactory materials as directed. Such
excavated material and the satisfactory material ordered as replacement
shall be included in excavation. Surplus satisfactory excavated material
not required for fill or embankment shall be disposed of in areas approved
excavated material shall be disposed of in designated waste or spoil areas.
During construction, excavation and fill shall be performed in a manner
and sequence that will provide proper drainage at all times. Material
required for fill or embankment in excess of that produced by excavation
within the grading limits shall be excavated from the borrow areas
indicated or from other approved areas selected by the Contractor as
Ditches, Gutters, and Channel Changes
Excavation of ditches, gutters, and channel changes shall be accomplished
by cutting accurately to the cross sections, grades, and elevations shown.
Ditches and gutters shall not be excavated below grades shown. Excessive
open ditch or gutter excavation shall be backfilled with satisfactory,
thoroughly compacted, material or with suitable stone or cobble to grades
shown. Material excavated shall be disposed of as shown or as directed,
except that in no case shall material be deposited less than 1 meter 4 feet
from the edge of a ditch. The Contractor shall maintain excavations free
from detrimental quantities of leaves, brush, sticks, trash, and other
debris until final acceptance of the work.
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