satisfactory excavated material shall be placed in embankments, fills, and
required backfills. The Contractor shall not haul satisfactory material
excavated in one grading area to another grading area except when so
directed in writing. Stockpiles of satisfactory [and unsatisfactory] [and
wasted materials] shall be placed and graded as specified. Stockpiles
shall be kept in a neat and well drained condition, giving due
consideration to drainage at all times. The ground surface at stockpile
locations shall be cleared, grubbed, and sealed by rubber-tired equipment,
excavated satisfactory and unsatisfactory materials shall be separately
stockpiled. Stockpiles of satisfactory materials shall be protected from
contamination which may destroy the quality and fitness of the stockpiled
material. If the Contractor fails to protect the stockpiles, and any
material becomes unsatisfactory, such material shall be removed and
replaced with satisfactory material from approved sources.
Excavation to final grade shall not be made until just before concrete is
to be placed. [For pile foundations, the excavation shall be stopped at an
elevation of from 150 to 300 mm 6 to 12 inches above the bottom of the
footing before driving piles. After pile driving has been completed, the
remainder of the excavation shall be completed to the elevations shown.]
Only excavation methods that will leave the foundation rock in a solid and
unshattered condition shall be used. Approximately level surfaces shall be
roughened, and sloped surfaces shall be cut as indicated into rough steps
or benches to provide a satisfactory bond. Shales shall be protected from
slaking and all surfaces shall be protected from erosion resulting from
ponding or flow of water.
General Requirements
Unsatisfactory material in surfaces to receive fill or in excavated areas
shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory materials as directed by
the Contracting Officer. The surface shall be scarified to a depth of 150
mm 6 inches before the fill is started. Sloped surfaces steeper than 1
vertical to 4 horizontal shall be plowed, stepped, benched, or broken up so
that the fill material will bond with the existing material. When
subgrades are less than the specified density, the ground surface shall be
broken up to a minimum depth of 150 mm 6 inches, pulverized, and compacted
to the specified density. When the subgrade is part fill and part
excavation or natural ground, the excavated or natural ground portion shall
be scarified to a depth of 300 mm 12 inches and compacted as specified for
the adjacent fill.
Frozen Material
Material shall not be placed on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain
frost. Compaction shall be accomplished by sheepsfoot rollers,
pneumatic-tired rollers, steel-wheeled rollers, or other approved equipment
well suited to the soil being compacted. Material shall be moistened or
aerated as necessary [to plus or minus [_____] percent of optimum moisture]
[to provide the moisture content that will readily facilitate obtaining the
specified compaction with the equipment used]. Minimum subgrade density
shall be as specified in paragraph TESTING.
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