NOTE: Specifications covering excavated materials
authorized to be wasted will usually include the
provision that the surface and side slopes formed
from such material be shaped and sloped so as to
provide for drainage and for later seeding and
mowing operations.
Unsatisfactory materials removed from excavations shall be disposed of in
designated waste disposal or spoil areas. Satisfactory material removed
from excavations shall be used, insofar as practicable, in the construction
of fills, embankments, subgrades, shoulders, bedding (as backfill), and for
similar purposes. No satisfactory excavated material shall be wasted
without specific written authorization. Satisfactory material authorized
to be wasted shall be disposed of in designated areas approved for surplus
waste areas on Government-controlled land shall be cleared and grubbed
before disposal of waste material thereon. Coarse rock from excavations
shall be stockpiled and used for constructing slopes or embankments
adjacent to streams, or sides and bottoms of channels and for protecting
against erosion. No excavated material shall be disposed of to obstruct
the flow of any stream, endanger a partly finished structure, impair the
efficiency or appearance of any structure, or be detrimental to the
completed work in any way.
Buried Warning and Identification Tape
Provide buried utility lines with utility identification tape. Bury tape
300 mm 12 inches below finished grade; under pavements and slabs, bury tape
150 mm 6 inches below top of subgrade.
Buried Detection Wire
Bury detection wire directly above non-metallic piping at a distance not to
exceed 300 mm 12 inches above the top of pipe. The wire shall extend
continuously and unbroken, from manhole to manhole. The ends of the wire
shall terminate inside the manholes at each end of the pipe, with a minimum
of 0.9 m 3 feet of wire, coiled, remaining accessible in each manhole. The
wire shall remain insulated over it's entire length.
The wire shall enter
manholes between the top of the corbel and the frame, and extend up through
the chimney seal between the frame and the chimney seal. For force mains,
the wire shall terminate in the valve pit at the pump station end of the
NOTE: It is imperative to specify a high degree of
compaction in fills under structures to minimize
settlement and to insure stability of a structure.
In addition to the criteria set forth in TM 5-818-1,
the following factors will be considered in
establishing the specific requirements:
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