Including location of soil excavated and associated OVA/FID
(organic vapor analyzer/flame ionization device) readings, TPH
(total petroleum hydrocarbons), [and] BTEX (benzene, toluene,
ethylbenzene, and xylene), [and TCLP (toxicity characteristic
leaching procedure)] sampling and test results. If BTEX indicates
gasoline, then provide TCLP]
SD-07 Certificates
Site safety and health plan; G
Describe safety and health plan and procedures as related to
underground tank removal and pipe removal, and as related to
operations associated with petroleum contaminated soils and water.
Furnish the name and qualifications based on education, training,
and work experience of the proposed Site Safety and Health Officer.
Excavation and material handling plan; G
Field sampling and laboratory testing plan; G
Tank and piping removal and disposal plan; G
Qualification; G
Spill and discharge control plan; G
SD-11 Closeout Submittals
Building permit[, inspection permits,] and other permitsrequired
for underground tank removal; G
Results of excavation; G
Including sketch showing location of underground storage tank,
sampling locations, and extent of excavation
Tank disposal paperwork; G
Such as copy of UST Notification Form and method of conditioning
tank for disposal
Contaminated soil disposal paperwork; G
Such as laboratory testing reports]
Contaminated water disposal paperwork; G
Such as laboratory testing results]
Identification of tanks removed and disposed of; G
Including site map showing location of tank and piping
Starting and ending dates of reporting period; G
Closure report; G
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