facilities: [_____]. Each tank disposed of in this manner shall be
manifested as required by the State of [_____] to document delivery and
acceptance at the disposal facility.
Tank and Ancillary Equipment Disposal
After the tank, piping, and ancillary equipment have been removed from the
excavation and the tank cleaned, the tank shall be cut into sections with
no dimension greater than [1500] [_____] mm [5] [_____] feet. Tank and
piping sections shall be [recycled] [disposed of [in a State approved
off-site disposal facility] [or] [in a salvage yard] [at the Defense
Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO)] [at the location shown on the
drawings]]. The tank shall be cut into sections prior to being taken [off
not sell the tank intact. Ancillary equipment shall be [recycled]
[disposed of at [an approved off-site disposal facility] [a salvage yard]
[the DRMO]] Piping shall be disconnected from the tank and [removed]
[grouted full of a portland cement and water slurry consisting of 22.7 L 6
gallons of clean water per 42.6 kg 94 pound sack of portland cement,
thoroughly mixed and free of lumps] unless otherwise indicated.
Transportation of Wastes
Transportation shall be provided in accordance with Department of
Transportation (DOT) Hazardous Material Regulations and State and local
requirements, including obtaining all necessary permits, licenses, and
approvals. Evidence that a State licensed [hazardous waste] [waste]
transporter is being used shall be included in the SUBMITTALS.
Salvage Rights
The Contractor shall retain the rights to salvage value of recycled or
reclaimed product and metal not turned in to the DRMO or otherwise
identified, so long as the requirements of 40 CFR 266 and 40 CFR 279, or
the applicable State requirements are met. At the end of the contract, the
Contractor shall provide documentation on the disposition of salvaged
NOTE: Manifests are required only when the tank
contents are a RCRA regulated hazardous waste. If
the tank contents are a DOT hazardous material but
not a RCRA regulated hazardous waste, there are Bill
of Lading requirements. Edit this paragraph
Records shall be maintained of all waste determinations, including
appropriate results of analyses performed, substances and sample location,
the time of collection, and other pertinent data as required by 40 CFR 280,
Section 74 and 40 CFR 262 Subpart D, and Section 01450 CHEMICAL DATA
QUALITY CONTROL. Transportation, treatment, disposal methods and dates,
the quantities of waste, the names and addresses of each transporter and
the disposal or reclamation facility, shall also be recorded and available
for inspection, as well as copies of the following documents:
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