oversee sampling and/or excavation operations, the
following may be substituted for the first sentence:
"After soil known to be contaminated has been
removed, soil samples shall be collected and
analyzed by the Contractor as directed by the
Contracting Officer in consultation with [_____]."
A backhoe should be used for soil sampling to
eliminate the need to have personnel enter the
If the regulators do not specify the number of
samples required, use a minimum of 2 samples at the
bottom of the tank excavation zone, with one in the
center of the tank excavation and one where the
highest instrument reading was obtained or where
If additional samples will likely be required, it
may be best to include additional testing as a
separate bid item so a credit can be easily obtained
if the additional tests are not required.
If there is evidence of spillage around the tank or
the possibility of horizontal movement of leaked
material, the following requirement can be added: "A
sample shall be obtained from each of the 4 walls of
the excavation at [[600] [_____] mm [2] [_____] foot
vertical intervals] [approximately 2/3 of the total
depth of the excavation] and [composited] [tested as
individual samples].
After soil known to be contaminated has been removed or after soil
excavation is complete, the excavation shall be sampled with procedures,
number, location, and methodology in accordance with state regulations and
Section 01450A CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL. Samples [shall] [may] be
obtained from the pits using a backhoe with a Shelby tube attached to the
bucket. Sample preservation and analytical procedures shall conform to
Stockpiled Material Sampling
NOTE: The designer will detail the sampling
requirements and include unique stockpile
segregation procedures required by the implementing
agency in the body of the specification. Analytical
testing of stockpiled soils will be based on visual
observation, knowledge of tank contents records and
testing of tank contents.
Soil that is a hazardous waste will not be allowed
to be stockpiled. Unless this is a designated
corrective action management unit, stockpiling of
hazardous waste will require a permit. The designer
must coordinate with the state on Subtitle C tanks.
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