complexity of that item. If not, the specifier,
guided by this criteria note, shall include the
appropriate Data Package number in the technical
section; the Data Package Number shall be selected
from the choices 1 through 5 below. Custom or other
non-SpectsInTact- based technical specifications may
be missing the Data Package numbers
Data Package 1 would typically be used for
architectural items requiring simple but specific
maintenance and replacement; for example, acoustical
ceiling, floor tile or carpeting system.
Data Package 2 would be used for an item that is
less simple; for example, an item having a motor and
some sequence of operation such as a refrigerated
drinking fountain.
Data Package 3 would be used for a complex piece of
equipment, having a specific troubleshooting
sequence, but one which does not require an operator
on watch; for example, HVAC temperature controls.
Data Package 4 would be used for an extremely
complex piece of equipment, having an extensive
sequence of operation, a complex troubleshooting
sequence and one requiring frequent operator
attention; at least for start-up and shut-down.
Examples of this case would be small boilers and
Finally, Data Package 5 would be used for electrical
equipment, components or systems on which, wiring
and control diagrams are needed for operation,
maintenance or repair. Examples of this case are
400 Hz frequency converters, annunciator panels and
cathodic protection systems.
Furnish the O&M data packages specified in individual technical sections.
Data Package 1
Safety precautions
Warranty information
Contractor information
Spare parts and supply list
Data Package 2
Safety precautions
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