and Maintenance Data in accordance with Section
01781, "Operations and Maintenance Data," Data
Package (1) (2) (3) (4) (5). The O&M requirements
specified herein may be supplemented by operation,
maintenance, and repair requirements peculiar to
certain equipment specified in the pertinent
technical section.
Submit Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Data specifically applicable to this
contract and a complete and concise depiction of the provided equipment,
product, or system. Organize and present information in sufficient detail
to clearly explain O&M requirements at the system, equipment, component,
and subassembly level. Include an index preceding each submittal. Submit
in accordance with this section and Section 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES.
Package Quality
Documents must be fully legible. Poor quality copies and material with
hole punches obliterating the text or drawings will not be accepted.
Package Content
Data package content shall be as shown in the paragraph titled "Schedule of
Operation and Maintenance Data Packages." Comply with the data package
requirements specified in the individual technical sections, including the
content of the packages and addressing each product, component, and system
designated for data package submission.
Changes to Submittals
Manufacturer-originated changes or revisions to submitted data shall be
furnished by the Contractor if a component of an item is so affected
subsequent to acceptance of the O&M Data. Changes, additions, or revisions
required by the Contracting Officer for final acceptance of submitted data,
shall be submitted by the Contractor within 30 calendar days of the
notification of this change requirement.
NOTE: O&M Data needed for any product, system, or
piece of equipment depends upon the complexity of
that item. The types of O&M Data, defined below,
are grouped into Data Packages in the paragraph
titled "Schedule of Operation and Maintenance Data
Packages." The Data Package numbers, in turn,
appear in the technical guide specifications.
Include specific instructions, procedures, and illustrations for the
following phases of operation:
Safety Precautions
operating conditions.
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