Certification of EPA Designated Items; G]
Utility As-Built Drawings
NOTE: Include requirement for "Utility As-Built
Drawings" in all projects in SOUTHWESTNAVFACENGCOM
regional area that include underground utilities.
In addition to as-built drawings provide for each exterior utility system a
set of reproducible utility drawings, stamped and signed by a registered
professional civil engineer or professional land surveyor, and two copies.
Submit within ten working days after each system is in place, but no later
than five working days before final inspection. Indicate exterior
utilities from a point five feet from a building to the termination point
or point of connection to existing system. Include the following:
a. Horizontal and vertical controls for new utilities and
existing utilities exposed during construction. Reference to
b. Sufficient dimensional control for all important features
such as beginning and termination points, points of connection,
inverts for sewer lines and drainage collection systems, top of
pipe or conduit runs, manholes, cathodic protection appurtenances,
valves, valve stem tops, backflow preventers, and other
significant features.
c. Indicate type and size of all materials used in the
construction of the system.
d. Indicate bearing and distance on tangent lines. On curves,
indicate delta and radius of the curve, also provide X, Y, and Z
coordinates at all BC and EC angle points. Indicate horizontal
and vertical control for all intersecting and tangent points where
utility alignment changes. Indicate X, Y, and Z coordinates at
building line and point of connection for straight building
laterals or services under 12 m 40 feet.
e. Tolerances: Horizontal and vertical control dimensions,
plus or minus 25 mm 0.10 foot. Angular control, plus or minus 0
degrees 01 minute.
Monthly Project Waste Summary Report
Use for projects located at Puget Sound
Naval Shipyard only.
Submit the final submission of the monthly project waste summary reportas
specified in Engineering Field Activity (EFA) Northwest Regional Section
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