Security Provisions
Adequate outside security lighting shall be provided at the Contractor's
temporary facilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for the security
of its own equipment; in addition, the Contractor shall notify the
the temporary project field office.
Resident Engineer's Office
The Contractor shall provide the Government Resident Engineer with an
office, approximately 19 square meters 200 square feet in floor area,
located where directed and providing space heat, electric light and power,
and toilet facilities consisting of one lavatory and one water closet
complete with connections to water and sewer mains. A mail slot in the
door or a lockable mail box mounted on the surface of the door shall be
provided. At completion of the project, the office shall remain the
property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the site. Utilities
shall be connected and disconnected in accordance with local codes and to
the satisfaction of the Contracting Officer.
Trailer-Type Mobile Office
The Contractor may, at its option, furnish and maintain a trailer-type
mobile office acceptable to the Contracting Officer and providing as a
minimum the facilities specified above. The trailer shall be securely
anchored to the ground at all four corners to guard against movement during
high winds.
Whenever the Contractor has the individual elements of its plant so located
that operation by normal voice between these elements is not satisfactory,
the Contractor shall install a satisfactory means of communication, such as
telephone or other suitable devices. The devices shall be made available
for use by Government personnel.
As soon as practicable, but not later than 15 days after the date
established for commencement of work, the Contractor shall furnish and
erect temporary project safety fencing at the work site. The safety
fencing shall be a high visibility orange colored, high density
polyethylene grid or approved equal, a minimum of 1.1 m 42 inches high,
supported and tightly secured to steel posts located on maximum 3 m 10 foot
centers, constructed at the approved location. The safety fencing shall be
maintained by the Contractor during the life of the contract and, upon
completion and acceptance of the work, shall become the property of the
Contractor and shall be removed from the work site.
Construction debris, waste materials, packaging material and the like shall
be removed from the work site daily. Any dirt or mud which is tracked onto
paved or surfaced roadways shall be cleaned away. Materials resulting from
demolition activities which are salvageable shall be stored within the
fenced area described above or at the supplemental storage area. Stored
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