or supplemental area for the Contractor's use and storage of trailers,
equipment, and materials. This area may not be in close proximity of the
construction site but shall be within the military boundaries. Fencing of
materials or equipment will not be required at this site; however, the
Contractor shall be responsible for cleanliness and orderliness of the area
used and for the security of any material or equipment stored in this area.
Utilities will not be provided to this area by the Government.
Appearance of Trailers
purposes shall present a clean and neat exterior appearance and shall be in
a state of good repair. Trailers which, in the opinion of the Contracting
Officer, require exterior painting or maintenance will not be allowed on
the military property.
Maintenance of Storage Area
Fencing shall be kept in a state of good repair and proper alignment.
Should the Contractor elect to traverse, with construction equipment or
other vehicles, grassed or unpaved areas which are not established
roadways, such areas shall be covered with a layer of gravel as necessary
to prevent rutting and the tracking of mud onto paved or established
roadways; gravel gradation shall be at the Contractor's discretion. Grass
located within the boundaries of the construction site shall be mowed for
the duration of the project. Grass and vegetation along fences, buildings,
under trailers, and in areas not accessible to mowers shall be edged or
trimmed neatly.
New Building
In the event a new building is constructed for the temporary project field
office, it shall be a minimum 3.6 m 12 feet in width, 5 m 16 feet in length
and have a minimum of 2.1 m 7 feet headroom. It shall be equipped with
approved electrical wiring, at least one double convenience outlet and the
required switches and fuses to provide 110-120 volt power. It shall be
provided with a work table with stool, desk with chair, two additional
chairs, and one legal size file cabinet that can be locked. The building
shall be waterproof, shall be supplied with heater, shall have a minimum of
two doors, electric lights, a telephone, a battery operated smoke detector
alarm, a sufficient number of adjustable windows for adequate light and
ventilation, and a supply of approved drinking water. Approved sanitary
facilities shall be furnished. The windows and doors shall be screened and
heavy duty hasp bolted to the door. Door hinge pins shall be
non-removable. The windows shall be arranged to open and to be securely
fastened from the inside. Glass panels in windows shall be protected by
bars or heavy mesh screens to prevent easy access to the building through
20 degrees F below the outside temperature when the outside temperature is
35 degrees C 95 degrees F, shall be furnished. Any new building erected
for a temporary field office shall be maintained by the Contractor during
the life of the contract and upon completion and acceptance of the work
shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the
site. All charges for telephone service for the temporary field office
shall be borne by the Contractor, including long distance charges up to a
maximum of .00 per month.
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