Time Line
A tabular or Gannt chart form specifying the major tasks associated with
the remediation shall be provided. This time line shall include key
milestones such as treatability testing; design completion; site
preparation; site mobilization; excavation; treatment start date;
adjustment dates; submittal dates, and demobilization. The time line shall
initiate at the onset of remedial investigations and terminate at
completion of demobilization from the site. The projects critical path
shall be designated on the time line.
Treatment System Operation
A completion Process Flow Diagram shall be provided in the report and shall
include an overall schematic of the treatment system and each treatment
unit process. A description of system operations shall include personnel
requirements for operating the system, the approach used to operate the
system over the course of the remediation, and the health and safety
for each parameter shall be provided. Site-specific items such as number
of samples, number of wells, and other specific parameters that may affect
the cost of operation shall be included in the report in accordance with
Table 4 of EP 1110-1-19.
Treatment System Performance
Treatment Performance Data
The pre-treatment and post-treatment contaminant concentrations in the soil
or groundwater shall be reported. The number and type of samples
collected, management or reduction of sampling results, and the method
number of the laboratory analysis shall be presented in a table. For
in-situ technologies, information shall be provided for separate locations
using cross-referenced site plans and tables. Analytical results shall be
presented in tabular format using the following conventions for reporting
data: mass/volume for contaminant levels in off-gas; mass/mass for solids;
mass/volume for contaminant levels in water, and ND (DL) with footnote
saying: not detected at levels above the detection limit (reported
laboratory detection limit shown in parentheses).
Data Assessment and Deviations from Standard Performance
The available performance data shall be described and discussed in terms of
whether cleanup goals were met and whether treatment performance varied
during the course of the remediation. An evaluation of the performance of
the treatment system shall be included in the report. The information
contained in the following paragraphs shall be included.
Material Balances
Material balances shall be performed around the treatment unit; the data
shall be linked to specific operating conditions. It shall be stated
whether balances are required for a specific process unit, the complete
train of processes or both.
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