Manager,] [Regulatory Agency Contacts,] [and] [Vendors] involved in the
cleanup activities.
Matrix and Contaminant Description
Matrix Identification
The type of matrix treated shall be reported using the standard terminology
contained in EP 1110-1-19.
Site Geology/Stratigraphy
The site geology/stratigraphy narrative shall provide a description of the
site soils and geology. This description shall include the areal and
vertical (stratigraphy) variability in the soils, soil classifications and
particle-size distributions. Depth to groundwater, depth to bedrock, and
Contaminant Characterization
The primary contaminant and the extent of vertical and areal contamination
shall be identified in this section. Other contaminants which may affect
treatment shall be noted.
Contaminant Properties
The properties of contaminants present at the remediation site shall be
reported as a summary of the results from the Sampling and Analysis Plan.
Nature and Extent of the Contaminants
Descriptions of location, nature, and extent of contamination by text
and/or appropriate contract drawings shall be provided.
Matrix Characteristics Affecting Treatment Cost or Performance
The measurement procedure used for each parameter shall be identified.
Provide the measurement, the procedure to obtain the measurement, and the
effect on cost and performance for each parameter as shown in Tables 1 and
3 of EP 1110-1-19.
Treatment System Description
Treatment technologies shall be described using terminology from USAEC
SFIM-AEC-ET-CR-97053 and EPA 542-B-98-007 or other approved similar
terminology in areas where those documents are incomplete.
Primary Treatment Technology Types
technologies in EP 1110-1-19.
Supplemental Treatment Technology Types
Pre-treatment and Post-treatment technology types shall be listed for each
matrix using standard terminology and the listing of supplemental treatment
technologies in EP 1110-1-19.
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